Predicate: {ifotara$
Roleset id: 01 , to lay down on something
        Arg0: entity laying down
        Arg1: on what
افترش المسكين الارض
        Arg0 : المسكين
        Gloss: the poor
        Arg1 : الارض
        Gloss: the floor
Roleset id: 02 , to walk through
        Arg0: entity walking
        Arg1: the path
افترش * الطريق
        Arg0 : -NONE- *?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : الطريق
        Gloss: the road
Roleset id: 03 , to defeat
        Arg0: winner
        Arg1: looser
        Arg2: event
تغالب المتصارعان حتى افترش احدهما الاخر
        Arg0 : احدهما
        Gloss: one of them
        Arg1 : الاخر
        Gloss: the other
Roleset id: 04 , to steal
        Arg0: entity stealing
        Arg1: things stolen
        Arg2: from whom
افترش * المال
        Arg0 : -NONE- *?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : المال
        Gloss: the money
Roleset id: 05 , to have sex
        Arg0: entity having sex
        Arg1: with whom
افترش * المرأة
        Arg0 : -NONE- *?
        Gloss: NONE
        Arg1 : المرأة
        Gloss: the woman